Remembering October 7: The Global Commemoration

October 7 

The Global Commemoration

11 am • Monday, October 7, 2024
US House of Representatives
Rayburn House Office Building
Washington, DC

(Opens at 10:45 am on October 7)

Hear Edwin Black along with Fleur Hassan‑Nahoum, Malcolm Hoenlein, Carolyn Glick, Roz Rothstein, Sarah Stern, Nathan Lewin, Alyza Lewin, Richard Heideman, Phyllis Greenberg Heideman, Kenneth Abramowitz, Bruce Blank, Faye Lincoln, Josh Block, Juda Engelmayer, Alex Traiman, Claire Lopez, Jeremy Levi, Rachel Black, Dolan Abu Saleh, Sharon Polsky, Sylvie Feinsmith, Zalmi Unsdorfer, Yosef Aziadna, and a host of leading voices worldwide.